Ethics and Insurance

I help insurers achieve greater certainty on ethical issues, both present and emerging. I have a reputation for foresight, pragmatism and independent thinking, particularly around data ethics. You can keep in touch with my analysis through my free weekly ‘Ethics and Insurance’ newsletter. Join below
Ethics and Insurance
What I do


I help insurers understand developments in insurance from an ethical perspective and the options open to them. My analysis delivers an extra level of understanding from an independent perspective
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Critical Friend

Insurers face some ethical challenges at the moment – I’ve been tracking them for several years. My role as a critical friend helps them to reality check their thinking and turn a situation into a plan.
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Horizon Scanning

I’ve been an influential figure in analysing the implications of digital insurance for several years now. Through workshops and research, my ethics radar highlights the problems and opportunities to look out for.
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The Huge Health Data Disruption has Arrived public
Regulation 3 min read

The Huge Health Data Disruption has Arrived

The final wording of the EU’s Health Data Space regulation is out, and the implications for insurers are significant. Not only is there a prohibition on insurers’ use of secondary health data, but as I anticipated, what counts as such data is wide. Insurers need to move with care here.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Is the Go Away Approach Right for Digital Insurance? public
Underwriting 6 min read

Is the Go Away Approach Right for Digital Insurance?

‘Go away’ renewals have been around insurance for a long time. Originating in the personal motor market, they’re now used more widely. So what impact do they have on consumers? And how do they sit alongside all that pricing signal sophistication? Two distinct views need to be balanced.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Detriment: Insurers and the Regulator Need a Big Picture public
Fairness 8 min read

Detriment: Insurers and the Regulator Need a Big Picture

How well do UK insurers understand consumer detriment? Enough, many would suggest. That is open to challenge, as would a similar assertion by the regulator. So what are they missing? I’m going to share some thoughts about detriment, as I think it is hindering the sector's transformation.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Social Scoring Ban – Confusion for Insurers public
Underwriting 6 min read

The Social Scoring Ban – Confusion for Insurers

Should insurers feel reassured by EU guidance about the prohibition on social scoring in the AI Act? It would be easy for them to think that way. The problem is that the guidance has some flawed assumptions about insurance. When those are corrected, the prohibition should be taken very seriously.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Problems that Insurer Data Sharing Must Address public
Accountability 7 min read

The Problems that Insurer Data Sharing Must Address

Insurers have a lot of data, and they often share it with each other. That’s good, right? The answer depends on what they plan to do with it and how well they manage those arrangements. So how are UK insurers performing on those two points? I weigh up the questions that the sector needs to address.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Navigating a Recalibration of Principles Based Regulation public
Regulation 3 min read

Navigating a Recalibration of Principles Based Regulation

There’s been a move in recent years towards principles based approaches, in what is expected of insurers (regulation) and what insurers expect of themselves (governance). So when powerful calls are heard to make things simpler, how should insurers respond? It’s not so simply as many would wish.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Personalised Insurance and Climate Change Resilience public
Personalisation 4 min read

Personalised Insurance and Climate Change Resilience

Take two of the biggest trends influencing insurance at the moment – personalisation of underwriting and climate change. How do they interact? Do they support each other or are they in conflict? It’s unlikely to be so binary of course, so what are the factors that need to be weighed up?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Tension that Digital Marketing Must Address public
Marketing 3 min read

The Tension that Digital Marketing Must Address

The digital environment that insurers now focus on presents marketeers with some tough choices. Some choices are well known ones relating to technology and distribution. Others are less visited ones like relationships and trust. I look at a significant tension inherent in all this.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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