Duncan Minty

Duncan Minty

Duncan has been researching and writing about ethics in insurance for over 20 years. As a Chartered Insurance Practitioner, he combines market knowledge with a strong and independent radar on ethics.
553 posts
Duncan Minty
How Consumers Balance Behavioural Insurance with Autonomy public
Autonomy 5 min read

How Consumers Balance Behavioural Insurance with Autonomy

How do consumers balance the data tracking inherent in behavioural life and health policies, with concerns about autonomy? Recent research has looked at what consumers say and do in relation to devices such as smart watches. I explore what this tells insurers about the design of such policies.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Grim Findings for Insurers’ Digital Strategies public
Data Ethics 4 min read

Grim Findings for Insurers’ Digital Strategies

A survey by Policygenius about insurance and technology has found that more than 6 in 10 US consumers would not install data-sharing devices for any discount amount. Where does this leave the sector’s proponents of ‘ecospheres of prevention’ and usage based insurance? I explore the implications.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
These claims practices are indefensible public
Claims 6 min read

These claims practices are indefensible

The FCA has warned insurers not to undervalue total loss settlements, with a particular emphasis put on motor claims. And their warning makes specific mention of not incentivising staff to engage in potentially harmful claims settlement practices. I analyse the implications for claims people.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Do Insurers have the Right Ethics Resource? public
Ethical Skills and Training 4 min read

Do Insurers have the Right Ethics Resource?

A number of ethical challenges are circulating around insurance. Managing them so that they don’t disrupt the insurer’s business model requires expertise and experience. Yet how well resourced are insurers for this? As we head towards 2023, I set out some parameters for answering that question.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Free Guide : How to deliver Leadership on Ethics public
8 min read

Free Guide : How to deliver Leadership on Ethics

Ethics is like any other part of your business – it needs leadership. Sure, we’re all good people, wanting to ‘do the right thing’. That’s not enough though – ethics needs to be organised so that it delivers on the commitments that the business had made.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Warning Signals about Dark Patterns in Insurance Marketing public
Marketing 5 min read

Warning Signals about Dark Patterns in Insurance Marketing

Insurance marketing is big business. As it moves online, the tracking of sales pipelines fuels marketing practices to increase returns on all that investment. EIOPA has published examples of dark patterns it has found on the websites of EU insurers. Yet it’s missed a key part of the bigger picture.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Strong Opinions Emerge on Data Use in Counter Fraud public
Counter Fraud 8 min read

Strong Opinions Emerge on Data Use in Counter Fraud

A detailed survey of US consumers found that support for the use of data to combat insurance fraud is strong, but very conditional upon the proper handling of ethical issues. I examine the message being sent to insurers by the US public, and what UK insurers can learn from it.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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