Take the late January 2022 talk by Professors Kenneth Abraham and Dan Schwarcz’s talk on the limits of regulation by insurance….
Insurance law scholars have long believed that insurance does more than just transfer risk: it plays a key role in regulating the conduct of policyholders by creating incentives for risk management and in some cases requiring or forbidding certain behavior. Some have claimed that the power of insurance can be a potent substitute for direct regulation by government. Professors Abraham and Schwarcz argue that the ability of insurance to substitute for governmental regulation is more limited than we have realized.
This is a topic that resonates with much of the new thinking that digital insurance has been bringing to the market in recent years. To what extent can insurance guide behaviours? To what extent is this appropriate? Where do the boundaries lie?
I would recommend scanning the list of talks coming up – you can find it here. They’re almost weekly through to the end of April. And if their timing is not quite right for you, then videos of the talks are subsequently uploaded.