Ethics and Insurance

I help insurers achieve greater certainty on ethical issues, both present and emerging. I have a reputation for foresight, pragmatism and independent thinking, particularly around data ethics. You can keep in touch with my analysis through my free weekly ‘Ethics and Insurance’ newsletter. Join below
Ethics and Insurance
What I do


I help insurers understand developments in insurance from an ethical perspective and the options open to them. My analysis delivers an extra level of understanding from an independent perspective
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Critical Friend

Insurers face some ethical challenges at the moment – I’ve been tracking them for several years. My role as a critical friend helps them to reality check their thinking and turn a situation into a plan.
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Horizon Scanning

I’ve been an influential figure in analysing the implications of digital insurance for several years now. Through workshops and research, my ethics radar highlights the problems and opportunities to look out for.
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Why Insurers must Manage their Ethical Debt public
Accountability 3 min read

Why Insurers must Manage their Ethical Debt

Many digital decision systems deployed in insurance carry unknown levels of ethical debt. Over the next 3 to 5 years, a lot of that ethical debt will need to be repaid. In some circumstances, the amount could be very substantial. So what should insurers do now to prepare for this?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The EU AI Act is full of Significance for Insurers public
Regulation 8 min read

The EU AI Act is full of Significance for Insurers

As the EU works towards enactment of its AI regulations, the impacts for insurers are becoming more apparent. Some markets have been labelled high risk, while some technologies are being closed off. What insurers need to do now is understand how ethics is changing the sector’s digital landscape.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Right Question ; Wrong People – A Warning on Data Ethics public
Fairness 4 min read

Right Question ; Wrong People – A Warning on Data Ethics

Insurers are working on ways to ensure that their digital decision systems deliver outputs that are fair and non-discriminatory. In doing so, they find that this involves some difficult choices. Yet how are those choices made? It's important that insurers don't approach them the wrong way round.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Have Insurers been Honest with Consumers? public
Personalisation 5 min read

Have Insurers been Honest with Consumers?

Big changes are underway in insurance. So what do consumers think of those changes? Surveys often show strong support from consumers for the biggest change of all – the move from pooling to personalisation. Yet why is this so, and can we trust what these surveys tell us?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Inclusion in L&H markets: Lessons for the UK public
Underwriting 6 min read

Inclusion in L&H markets: Lessons for the UK

A lot of attention has been given recently to inclusion in the personal lines market, but just as important is inclusion in the life and health market. New research explores this in some detail and uncovers interesting lessons for UK insurers. Why is our market good and bad at different things?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Insurance Complex: A Bleak Future? public
Personalisation 6 min read

The Insurance Complex: A Bleak Future?

Insurance is becoming a performance market. For insurers to compete, consumers must perform, at first for a competitive premium, progressively for enough cover and eventually for access to the market. What emerges then is ‘an insurance complex’ that defines relations with consumers and society.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Revolutionising Fairness – the Starting Point public
Fairness 3 min read

Revolutionising Fairness – the Starting Point

If insurers are to address fairness seriously, they must find a new way of engaging with those challenging them. There are hurdles to be removed first though, including one that I always hear mentioned. Unless dealt with, competition law could put a brake on revolutionising fairness.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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