Ethics and Insurance

I help insurers achieve greater certainty on ethical issues, both present and emerging. I have a reputation for foresight, pragmatism and independent thinking, particularly around data ethics. You can keep in touch with my analysis through my free weekly ‘Ethics and Insurance’ newsletter. Join below
Ethics and Insurance
What I do


I help insurers understand developments in insurance from an ethical perspective and the options open to them. My analysis delivers an extra level of understanding from an independent perspective
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Critical Friend

Insurers face some ethical challenges at the moment – I’ve been tracking them for several years. My role as a critical friend helps them to reality check their thinking and turn a situation into a plan.
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Horizon Scanning

I’ve been an influential figure in analysing the implications of digital insurance for several years now. Through workshops and research, my ethics radar highlights the problems and opportunities to look out for.
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Embedded Insurance and Manufactured Vulnerability public
Marketing 6 min read

Embedded Insurance and Manufactured Vulnerability

Embedded insurance is a form of hyper-personalisation designed to present the right product to you just when you need it and most likely to buy it. In short, data fuelled prescriptive marketing. Yet if marketing is about persuasion, how do insurers steer clear of digital manipulation?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Being Human - Insurance and the Right to Move On public
Autonomy 6 min read

Being Human - Insurance and the Right to Move On

The digital world that insurers operate in sees data being retained for long periods of time. That view is based upon the influence of moral hazard and character. Yet part of being human is to evolve and move on, to leave behind who we used to be. I examine this dilemma and identify the challenges.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
How to Waiver a Conflict of Interest public
Conflicts of Interest 2 min read

How to Waiver a Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest are widespread across insurance. Many of them are too fundamental to be eliminated, but they still need to be managed. There may be occasions when one way to manage the conflict of interest is simply to accept it. So what conditions should apply to such situations?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Tensions Around Insurance and Mental Health Apps public
Underwriting 6 min read

Tensions Around Insurance and Mental Health Apps

The insurance sector is interested in mental health. Support for their employees and those of clients is part of this. There’s also an underwriting interest in how mental health presents. There are tensions around these two things though, with important ethical questions needing to be addressed.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Telematics + In-Car Sensing = Unique Ethical Issues public
Data Ethics 7 min read

Telematics + In-Car Sensing = Unique Ethical Issues

Telematics and in-car sensors create huge amounts of data that can be used to gauge all sorts of things about the people in the car. Emotional AI is part of this, offering lots of potential, but also some highly emotive risks. I look at the key themes that insurers need to have on their radars.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Why the FCA’s Views on AI Regulation are a Gamble public
Regulation 5 min read

Why the FCA’s Views on AI Regulation are a Gamble

The FCA has sent a strong signal to insurers that they will not be pushing for any new regulations relating to AI. Confidence in the impact of existing regulations is clearly high. Yet what matters at the moment will be speed of impact. Are the FCA taking an almighty gamble? And will it pay off?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The FCA Undermines Its Own Whistleblowing public
Ethical Culture 2 min read

The FCA Undermines Its Own Whistleblowing

A recent article in the Times reported unlawful practices at the FCA around email diversion and the handling of people ‘considered a nuisance’. Particularly concerning was the impact of these events on whistleblowers. So what does this signal to the wider insurance community?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Fairness, Digital and Target Markets public
Regulation 4 min read

Fairness, Digital and Target Markets

Target markets are now a key feature of product governance. The problem is that they take shape on two levels. There’s the generic version for the regulator, and the decision systems one for consumers. In this gap can be found some of the key challenges being put to insurers.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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