Ethics and Insurance

I help insurers achieve greater certainty on ethical issues, both present and emerging. I have a reputation for foresight, pragmatism and independent thinking, particularly around data ethics. You can keep in touch with my analysis through my free weekly ‘Ethics and Insurance’ newsletter. Join below
Ethics and Insurance
What I do


I help insurers understand developments in insurance from an ethical perspective and the options open to them. My analysis delivers an extra level of understanding from an independent perspective
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Critical Friend

Insurers face some ethical challenges at the moment – I’ve been tracking them for several years. My role as a critical friend helps them to reality check their thinking and turn a situation into a plan.
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Horizon Scanning

I’ve been an influential figure in analysing the implications of digital insurance for several years now. Through workshops and research, my ethics radar highlights the problems and opportunities to look out for.
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Why Contagious Misconduct Can Collapse Firms public
Ethical Culture 2 min read

Why Contagious Misconduct Can Collapse Firms

We often think of misconduct in terms of the individual. Yet we also know that such cases often have a ripple effect, signalling to others that they could act likewise. This creates a slippery slope to more serious cases of misconduct. So how might contagious misconduct be controlled?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
ICO Consultation on Biometrics: Key Points for Insurers public
Data Ethics 6 min read

ICO Consultation on Biometrics: Key Points for Insurers

The UK data protection regulator has issued draft guidance on the use of biometric data. It’s been delivered in a pretty ‘oven ready’ state, with two clear exposures for insurers. Are insurers prepared for the pretty fundamental questions they will now need to ask themselves?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Why the Social Scoring Ban is Seismic for Counter Fraud public
Counter Fraud 6 min read

Why the Social Scoring Ban is Seismic for Counter Fraud

There are many significant things in the EU’s AI Act but none will be more disruptive for insurers than the proposed ban on social scoring. It will cause the sector’s core digital strategies to need serious reconfiguring. So why has this happened and what do insurers have to look out for?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Drones Enable Automated U/W by Image Analysis public
Underwriting 4 min read

Drones Enable Automated U/W by Image Analysis

I recently highlighted how insurers were starting to gather data not just about what’s around your house (think flood), but also about how your house is built and maintained. The result is a wave of policyholders receiving notices of non-renewal. So what’s the big picture here?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
How Successful is your Ethics Training? public
Ethical Skills and Training 4 min read

How Successful is your Ethics Training?

It’s half way through the year now. Your ethics training has been running for some months. And in the few months before you start thinking about next year’s training, you need to work out how successful this year’s training has been. Yet this is ethics. How do you measure that?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The FCA’s Approach to AI is to be Audited public
Regulation 5 min read

The FCA’s Approach to AI is to be Audited

The National Audit Office is to review the FCA’s approach to artificial intelligence. A subsequent speech by the FCA’s chief executive set out their thinking on AI. It sounded very much like 'have cake and eat it’ thinking. Will the NAO call this out? If so, what will that mean for insurers?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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