
Insurance's digital transformation is driving ever increasing calls for clearer accountability. The message is 'if you want our trust, give us accountability'. These articles look at the issues involved. Use them to shape your thinking.
112 posts
The Problems that Insurer Data Sharing Must Address public
Accountability 7 min read

The Problems that Insurer Data Sharing Must Address

Insurers have a lot of data, and they often share it with each other. That’s good, right? The answer depends on what they plan to do with it and how well they manage those arrangements. So how are UK insurers performing on those two points? I weigh up the questions that the sector needs to address.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Navigating a Recalibration of Principles Based Regulation public
Regulation 3 min read

Navigating a Recalibration of Principles Based Regulation

There’s been a move in recent years towards principles based approaches, in what is expected of insurers (regulation) and what insurers expect of themselves (governance). So when powerful calls are heard to make things simpler, how should insurers respond? It’s not so simply as many would wish.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
A New Trade Off Will Reshape Insurance Innovation public
Fairness 8 min read

A New Trade Off Will Reshape Insurance Innovation

Trade offs are common when insurers judge the ethics of this or that decision. Key to this is how various conflicting interests are balanced. One particular trade off is coming to the fore now, and insurers need to adjust their human and digital systems to accommodate it. This article explains why.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
What the FCA’s Problems Bode for Insurers public
Regulation 5 min read

What the FCA’s Problems Bode for Insurers

An all-party group of MPs within the UK Parliament has issued a damning report on the FCA. It has certainly stirred up debate around the conclusions it reached. I think it will have a lasting impact, but not in the way commentators are thinking. For insurers, the consequences could be serious.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Suspicious Thinking and Insurance Counter Fraud public
Counter Fraud 5 min read

Suspicious Thinking and Insurance Counter Fraud

Insurers are on the lookout for suspicious things all the time. It helps ensure that consumers pay a fair premium. Yet how insurers go about this is hugely important. How is suspicion judged? How does this affect products and services?  I explore the ethical side of how the sector handles suspicion.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
A Lot of Life Insurers Are Navigating AI Blind public
Data Ethics 4 min read

A Lot of Life Insurers Are Navigating AI Blind

A US regulatory organisation recently published a revealing survey about life insurers and their use of AI. For all the talk about responsible innovation, the reality in the life sector seems very different. Lack of accountability points to some serious problems ahead for life insurers.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Failings in Motor Claims Raise Accountability Questions public
Claims 4 min read

Failings in Motor Claims Raise Accountability Questions

Several unfair practices have been identified in total loss claims in the UK motor insurance market. On the face of it, this seems like a numbers problem. Yet this is far from being a ‘which valuation is right’ issue. This is about people and how they decide to shape important decisions.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Building Fairness Feedback Loops into AI Systems public
Fairness 3 min read

Building Fairness Feedback Loops into AI Systems

We are hearing a lot about AI ethics at the moment. It’s important, but still only one aspect of the situation. Another aspect would be the use of AI to facilitate more ethical decisions. By this, I don’t mean on a system wide basis, but in micro decision scenarios. It’s an idea worth exploring.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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