Data Ethics

With insurance becoming increasingly digital, data ethics has become the key lens through which issues and challenges are emerging. What makes it particularly important is how it is influencing insurance at both the policy and the market levels.
216 posts
Data Ethics
The Problems that Insurer Data Sharing Must Address public
Accountability 7 min read

The Problems that Insurer Data Sharing Must Address

Insurers have a lot of data, and they often share it with each other. That’s good, right? The answer depends on what they plan to do with it and how well they manage those arrangements. So how are UK insurers performing on those two points? I weigh up the questions that the sector needs to address.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Problem with Most Responsible AI Initiatives public
Data Ethics 8 min read

The Problem with Most Responsible AI Initiatives

Every month sees guidance and standards issued about ‘Responsible AI’. Lift a few lids though and it becomes apparent that much of this output is one-sided. To properly address the issues associated with AI, insurers need to look beyond the technical. New research shows us how to get started.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Delivering Fair Repudiations public
Claims 5 min read

Delivering Fair Repudiations

Claims repudiation in household insurance is changing. Long established practices are now being overlaid with digital systems that are powering repudiation levels to new highs. Yet in so doing, have insurers been asking themselves the right questions? …and drawing the right conclusions?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The EU’s Social Scoring Ban – What Does It Mean? public
Underwriting 9 min read

The EU’s Social Scoring Ban – What Does It Mean?

The EU’s AI Act prohibits social scoring. Insurers need to carefully weigh up the implications of this ban, for a lot of new digital insurance practices bear a remarkable resemblance to it. The ban was never meant to put pressure on modern insurance practices, but will that protect insurers.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Vulnerability Starts with Scope public
Claims 5 min read

Vulnerability Starts with Scope

Vulnerability is a significant theme for the UK regulator, and obviously insurers have been responding to those expectations. This has led to a lot of management information being produced around vulnerability. That’s only as good though as the scope of what you decide to put into your MI.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Risk Variables Are On Their Way Out public
Underwriting 3 min read

Risk Variables Are On Their Way Out

Underwriters have relied on risk variables for a very long time. After all, how would insurance work without them! Yet is their unique status on its way out? When motor insurers use 1000+ rating factors, what does this say about how insurance is now priced? More than just on risk, clearly.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Keystone for Delivering Effective Data Ethics public
Data Ethics 5 min read

The Keystone for Delivering Effective Data Ethics

Data ethics has lots of dimensions. You may be tempted to think that expertise in each of those dimensions will reap the results being sought. Only to a degree though. Running through all of them is an issue that is age old to insurance. If you don’t get this one right, all others will be suffer.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Why Secondary Data Could Turn Toxic for Insurers public
Discrimination 4 min read

Why Secondary Data Could Turn Toxic for Insurers

Digital innovations are helping the sector break new ground in how policies are underwritten. The problem is that some practices could be landing insurers outside of the law. This is not bias in data or analytics. This is ill advised decisions around the strategic use of secondary data.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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