Claims • 8 min read Are loss prevention initiatives just trojan horses for data harvesting ? A buzz phrase gaining momentum in the insurance market at the moment is ‘ecospheres of prevention’. It’s about using…
Data Ethics • 13 min read Behavioural fairness is a serious risk to the future of insurance An influential narrative has emerged within insurance in recent years, centred upon the notion of behavioural fairness. It is a…
Autonomy • 5 min read Telematics will be much more influential than people think Telematics features regularly now in the business and technology media. And academic institutions are having their say too, examining its…
Data Ethics • 6 min read A dangerous regulatory mindset that will undermine trust in insurance For an organisation tasked with ensuring a ‘well functioning’ insurance market that maintains public confidence, the UK regulator is being…
Claims • 6 min read The ethical storm clouds hanging over insurance claims practices The biggest ethical exposure facing insurers over the next 24 months will come from claims practices. They are presenting a…
Personalisation • 4 min read What is insurance? And why data analytics makes this matter When does a firm become an insurer? When does it stop being an insurer? And what is insurance? These are…
Data Ethics • 5 min read How positive an influence are reinsurers having on data ethics? Reinsurers are an influential bunch. No start up firm could enter the insurance market without their hefty support. And most…
Data Ethics • 2 min read Why TCF is the wrong path for implementing data ethics The UK regulator has chosen data ethics as one of its ‘cross sector priorities’ for their current business year. And…
Claims • 3 min read Has genetic testing in insurance claims begun? You would think that the use of genetic testing in insurance is pretty well sorted, wouldn’t you? After all,…