Data Ethics

With insurance becoming increasingly digital, data ethics has become the key lens through which issues and challenges are emerging. What makes it particularly important is how it is influencing insurance at both the policy and the market levels.
216 posts
Data Ethics
Are IFB ambitions in danger of hitting a brick wall? public
Counter Fraud 5 min read

Are IFB ambitions in danger of hitting a brick wall?

Counter fraud data sharing in the UK market is heading for new heights. How we’re scored on fraud from the moment we seek a quote will be automated and in real time. Yet for all this strategic ambition, there remains no mention of accountability. Recent events point to that being a big omission.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Worrying Signs of Regulatory Drift on Data public
Regulation 3 min read

Worrying Signs of Regulatory Drift on Data

Is the FCA drifting off course on data and analytics? A recent speech seems to point to this. For insurers, the ‘false sense of security’ this creates matters less in the short term, more in the mid to long term. It introduces a systemic risk into the digital transformation happening in insurance.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Revolutionising Fairness to Enable Digital Insurance public
Fairness 4 min read

Revolutionising Fairness to Enable Digital Insurance

The digital transformation of insurance will stall unless the “dominant theme of 21st century financial services” is resolved first. That ‘dominant theme’ is fairness. If fairness isn’t addressed, digital investment will be questioned as public confidence in what they experience diminishes.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Three Most Read Articles of 2022 public
Trust 3 min read

The Three Most Read Articles of 2022

With so much happening in insurance at the moment, and with plenty on the horizon, it’s interesting to see which articles were the most read during 2022. The top three show insurance people weighing up some of the significant implications of the digital transformation of insurance.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Big Ethical Challenge for Insurers in 2023 public
Leadership on Ethics 5 min read

The Big Ethical Challenge for Insurers in 2023

In recent years, the debate about data, ethics and insurance has become more and more mainstream. This has led to questions being asked, evidence called for and resources allocated to handle them. The expectations this generates are producing the big ethical challenge for insurers in 2023.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
How Consumers Balance Behavioural Insurance with Autonomy public
Autonomy 5 min read

How Consumers Balance Behavioural Insurance with Autonomy

How do consumers balance the data tracking inherent in behavioural life and health policies, with concerns about autonomy? Recent research has looked at what consumers say and do in relation to devices such as smart watches. I explore what this tells insurers about the design of such policies.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Grim Findings for Insurers’ Digital Strategies public
Data Ethics 4 min read

Grim Findings for Insurers’ Digital Strategies

A survey by Policygenius about insurance and technology has found that more than 6 in 10 US consumers would not install data-sharing devices for any discount amount. Where does this leave the sector’s proponents of ‘ecospheres of prevention’ and usage based insurance? I explore the implications.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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