Data Ethics

With insurance becoming increasingly digital, data ethics has become the key lens through which issues and challenges are emerging. What makes it particularly important is how it is influencing insurance at both the policy and the market levels.
216 posts
Data Ethics
Why Insurers Need to Respect Customer Autonomy public
Autonomy 7 min read

Why Insurers Need to Respect Customer Autonomy

Autonomy is both simple and complex, ephemeral yet ever present. It’s rarely invoked in an insurance context outside of self-driving vehicles. Yet it’s an ethical issue that is becoming central to the debate on how insurance is to be priced. Insurers need to understand it to be part of that debate.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Prediction and the Cold Hand public
Data Ethics 3 min read

Prediction and the Cold Hand

Analytics are not neutral tools. When you use analytics to work something out, you start to change that something. In some forms of analytics, this change can be supportive. In other forms, it can be destructive. This mix of influences should be part of how you design and deploy analytics.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Actuary of the Year – a data ethics expert public
Data Ethics 1 min read

Actuary of the Year – a data ethics expert

This year’s ‘Actuary of the Year’ in Australia is an expert in data ethics in insurance. This recognition points to a growing awareness in the actuarial community, at least in Australia, that data ethics is very much part of ‘what they do’.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Assessing the Risk from Algorithm Destruction public
Data Ethics 5 min read

Assessing the Risk from Algorithm Destruction

We’ve seen a couple of cases now in which firms have been told by regulators to destroy not only the data they shouldn’t have been using, but also the algorithms and models that had been trained on that data. So are insurers at risk from this too, and if so, how can they begin to assess it?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Asking the Wrong Question - EIOPA and High Risk AI public
Data Ethics 5 min read

Asking the Wrong Question - EIOPA and High Risk AI

A tussle is emerging around whether the artificial intelligence systems used by insurers should be classified as high risk or not. It’s an EU thing, but of clear relevance to non-EU insurers too. The implications of a high risk designation are huge, so insurers need to track these developments.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
A Warning Shot on Data Ethics from California public
Discrimination 3 min read

A Warning Shot on Data Ethics from California

A warning shot has been fired across the bows of US insurers by the Californian Insurance Commissioner. Its recent investigations into “..potential bias and alleged unfair discrimination in many lines of insurance…” seem to have unearthed problems.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Whose data should an insurer trust? public
Data Ethics 3 min read

Whose data should an insurer trust?

Whose data should an insurer trust? Data provided by consumers, or data supplied by the insurer’s data broker? A prominent data broker to the UK market is saying that their data is accurate and can be trusted; and that the same cannot be said of data provided by the consumer. Are they correct?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Data Ethics 2 min read

Exploitation in Data Supply Chains

Insurers may have data provenance as part of their data ethics programme, but have they scoped it correctly? An often overlooked aspect of data ethics has recently received media attention. It deals with an age old problem in supply chains – how labour is managed and remunerated.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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