
The biggest trend in insurance raises some of the most fundamental ethical questions. You can read about these here.
74 posts
Are Politicians Ready for Wind Re? public
Underwriting 4 min read

Are Politicians Ready for Wind Re?

The development by insurers of individualised flood underwriting capabilities lead to negotiations with UK politicians and civil society for a fairer arrangement. The result was Flood Re. Now insurers are developing similar underwriting capabilities for wind risk. What does this point to?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
How Consumers Balance Behavioural Insurance with Autonomy public
Autonomy 5 min read

How Consumers Balance Behavioural Insurance with Autonomy

How do consumers balance the data tracking inherent in behavioural life and health policies, with concerns about autonomy? Recent research has looked at what consumers say and do in relation to devices such as smart watches. I explore what this tells insurers about the design of such policies.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Challenges Emerge for Insurance and Wellness Products public
Underwriting 4 min read

Challenges Emerge for Insurance and Wellness Products

‘Moving beyond insurance’ is a popular digital trend across many markets. Why just deal with losses when you can prevent claims, goes the narrative. Yet one regulatory move means insurers will soon have to design and sell their cover / wellness combination with great care.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Has Flood Re worked? public
Personalisation 7 min read

Has Flood Re worked?

Has Flood Re worked? And if so, who is it working for the most? A Bank of England study addresses these questions, but with presumptions and interpretations that are open to challenge. This highlights why the policy landscape for flood insurance needs more diversified debate.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Research finds Challenges Ahead for Digital Insurance public
Personalisation 2 min read

Research finds Challenges Ahead for Digital Insurance

An independent think tank has found that people face significant hurdles to engaging with the biggest trend in financial services. As that trend is central to the digital future of insurance, their research gives insurers much to take on board when weighing up products, pricing and distribution.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Underwriting 3 min read

FCA questioned on Financial Inclusion

The UK regulator shared its thinking on financial inclusion with Parliament’s Treasury Committee recently. It was clear that they recognised the issue, but also that they didn’t understand, in terms of insurance, what was behind it.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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