
Is regulation keeping up with the changes happening in the insurance market? Will an arsenal of SupTech tools soon put regulators inside your digital models? How will regulators handle the complexity of fairness, and the urgent calls to counter discrimination? There's a lot happening - read on!
90 posts
The Challenges that Regulators are Facing with Technology public
Regulation 3 min read

The Challenges that Regulators are Facing with Technology

A recent Financial Stability Institute report looks at how insurance regulators are using digital technologies to aid their work. SupTech has the capacity to revolutionise the regulation of ethical conduct in the sector. So what progress has been made, and what does this signal to the market?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
These claims practices are indefensible public
Claims 6 min read

These claims practices are indefensible

The FCA has warned insurers not to undervalue total loss settlements, with a particular emphasis put on motor claims. And their warning makes specific mention of not incentivising staff to engage in potentially harmful claims settlement practices. I analyse the implications for claims people.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Warning Signals about Dark Patterns in Insurance Marketing public
Marketing 5 min read

Warning Signals about Dark Patterns in Insurance Marketing

Insurance marketing is big business. As it moves online, the tracking of sales pipelines fuels marketing practices to increase returns on all that investment. EIOPA has published examples of dark patterns it has found on the websites of EU insurers. Yet it’s missed a key part of the bigger picture.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
A Big Red Flag has been attached to Emotional AI public
Data Ethics 8 min read

A Big Red Flag has been attached to Emotional AI

The UK’s data protection regulator has raised a big red flag over the use of emotional AI. Not only do such systems fail to meet data protection requirements, but they also come with other serious ethical issues. So what does this mean for insurers, and how should they respond?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Challenges Emerge for Insurance and Wellness Products public
Underwriting 4 min read

Challenges Emerge for Insurance and Wellness Products

‘Moving beyond insurance’ is a popular digital trend across many markets. Why just deal with losses when you can prevent claims, goes the narrative. Yet one regulatory move means insurers will soon have to design and sell their cover / wellness combination with great care.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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