
Underwriting is becoming much more sophisticated. It's a transformation opening up opportunities like never before. It's also encountering challenges like never before, and as we saw with price walking, the impact can be immense. These posts give you an independent perspective on such developments.
163 posts
ICO Consultation on Biometrics: Key Points for Insurers public
Data Ethics 6 min read

ICO Consultation on Biometrics: Key Points for Insurers

The UK data protection regulator has issued draft guidance on the use of biometric data. It’s been delivered in a pretty ‘oven ready’ state, with two clear exposures for insurers. Are insurers prepared for the pretty fundamental questions they will now need to ask themselves?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Drones Enable Automated U/W by Image Analysis public
Underwriting 4 min read

Drones Enable Automated U/W by Image Analysis

I recently highlighted how insurers were starting to gather data not just about what’s around your house (think flood), but also about how your house is built and maintained. The result is a wave of policyholders receiving notices of non-renewal. So what’s the big picture here?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Open Insurance Suffers a Setback public
Underwriting 2 min read

Open Insurance Suffers a Setback

Open insurance is predicted by many to play a big part in the future of insurance. It’s not a prediction that everyone shares however, including now the Australian Government. They’ve paused the expansion of their open data initiative into insurance. So what’s behind their concerns?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Have Insurers been Honest with Consumers? public
Personalisation 5 min read

Have Insurers been Honest with Consumers?

Big changes are underway in insurance. So what do consumers think of those changes? Surveys often show strong support from consumers for the biggest change of all – the move from pooling to personalisation. Yet why is this so, and can we trust what these surveys tell us?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Inclusion in L&H markets: Lessons for the UK public
Underwriting 6 min read

Inclusion in L&H markets: Lessons for the UK

A lot of attention has been given recently to inclusion in the personal lines market, but just as important is inclusion in the life and health market. New research explores this in some detail and uncovers interesting lessons for UK insurers. Why is our market good and bad at different things?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Insurance Complex: A Bleak Future? public
Personalisation 6 min read

The Insurance Complex: A Bleak Future?

Insurance is becoming a performance market. For insurers to compete, consumers must perform, at first for a competitive premium, progressively for enough cover and eventually for access to the market. What emerges then is ‘an insurance complex’ that defines relations with consumers and society.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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