
Underwriting is becoming much more sophisticated. It's a transformation opening up opportunities like never before. It's also encountering challenges like never before, and as we saw with price walking, the impact can be immense. These posts give you an independent perspective on such developments.
163 posts
Is Open Data Compatible with Insurance? public
Underwriting 4 min read

Is Open Data Compatible with Insurance?

There’s a lot of upbeat talk about how open data could revolutionise insurance. The seamless exchange of data and cover seems so simple. Yet dig around a bit and contradictions emerge. Are the principles of open data and insurance underwriting sufficiently in sync? It’s an open question.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Underwriting 2 min read

Is the FCA a Price Regulator?

Is price in UK insurance markets regulated? There’s a game of words going on at the moment. The regulator told the sector last week that it’s not a price regulator. How should the sector react to that? Will they be convinced?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
The Two Unknowns Forming Around the Ethnicity Penalty public
Discrimination 4 min read

The Two Unknowns Forming Around the Ethnicity Penalty

Two unknowns are forming around the ethnicity penalty research at the moment. Insurers, consumer groups and trade bodies are talking about one of them. The other is not being mentioned. In this analysis piece, I’m going to explore both and what insurers can do in relation to each of them.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
What the EHRC’s New Strategy Means for Insurers public
Discrimination 4 min read

What the EHRC’s New Strategy Means for Insurers

Around the same time as Citizens Advice published its report on the ethnicity penalty, the Equalities and Human Rights Commission published its strategy for 2022-2025. It’s worthwhile taking a look at, for it will shape the EHRC’s response to this whole issue of discriminatory pricing.…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
Controls for Insurers' Use of Social Media Data public
Underwriting 5 min read

Controls for Insurers' Use of Social Media Data

Insurers have been interested in social media data for some years now. This caught the public’s eye in 2016 when Admiral launched and then immediately withdrew a motor product influenced by what you did on Facebook. What controls should insurers have, to make sure such situations aren’t repeated?…
Duncan Minty
Duncan Minty
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